Design and Technology

Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of Design and Technology 

At Church Walk C.E. Primary School design and technology provision aims to teach our children to engage in an ever changing world where work and leisure activities are being innovated by technology. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.
It is our intention to ensure the progressive development of knowledge and skills throughout school with pupils becoming resourceful, innovative and capable citizens through evaluation of past and present design and technology. We also aim to develop a critical understanding of the impact of an increasingly technological world using the language of design and technology.
Pupils will follow the design, make and evaluate process while applying their knowledge of technical understanding to make the correct choices about materials and tools to use.
As part of the design and technology curriculum, pupils will also work with food. Children will be taught how to cook and prepare food and to apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. In Reception pupils cook or bake most weeks; Newlands pupils collect blackberries and other foraged fruit to make Stone Age fruit stew and Springfield pupils cook and eat WW2 food as part of their 'Dig for Victory' project.
Underpinned by:-
 Design and technology is taught through topics from Reception through to Year 6. In Early Years / Reception pupils  will develop their skills in these  5 main DT strands (based on Development Matters) which form the building blocks of all future DT work:

  • Cooking techniques
  • Joining techniques
  • Construction
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
    Throughout school pupils will be taught to design, make and evaluate products fit for purpose.
    The application of skills
    Pupils are given regular opportunities to apply the skills that they have been taught to support their learning in our other curriculum subjects.
    In Early Years topics are strongly linked to children's interests, seasons and other occasions in our school year. From Key Stage 1, design technology is linked to literacy, science and history.
    Pupils will understand and use appropriate topic vocabulary, including that associated with design, e.g. sketches, diagrams, prototypes

  • Implementation

  • Curriculum Approach
    Pupils engage with regular lessons of design and technology linked to their termly topic focused on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum.  Each unit of work typically works towards an end product to demonstrate the progress made within the unit. Pupils are supported and stretched through the topics which build upon previously learned knowledge and skills. Pupils working at greater depth are able to broaden their knowledge and skills within these units. Skills established in design and technology lessons are used throughout the curriculum to support and enhance the learning.
    External Stimuli
    Pupils are taught using relevant links to the world around us and the technologies which the skills within the unit can be applied to.
    The children have visited local museums, food establishments and had visitors into school to share learning and have hands on experiences.
    We will be looking to involve more people from our local community in D & T in future.

  • SMSC
    Pupils are encouraged to think creatively and think innovatively which in turn breeds self-confidence and belief in their own abilities.
    During the planning and designing stage, we encourage pupils to think about their choice of materials and their sustainability and the impact on the environment.
    There is an emphasis on collaboration and taking responsibility for accepting each other’s unique behaviour. We also encourage conversations about self and peer evaluation to improve students learning outcomes.
    D & T often originates from an idea or artefact and to develop a wider cultural awareness we explore our past heritage as well as investigate and use as our stimulus foods, textiles and pottery from different cultures and periods of time.
    Sharing work
    Pupils design and evaluation work is recorded in a book (issued in KS1) which follows them through school. In their design and technology book , they will also have evidence of their end products and evaluations. Photos and examples of work are printed to create displays to show the process of the work as the unit develops. Design and technology work is shown in assemblies alongside other curricular subjects and Open Afternoons for parents and carers where children can present their work for others.
    Local Context
    Our school has close links with Dock Museum – our local museum – where pupils can study artefacts linked to their topics. We use the area around us to inspire DT projects such as the creation of bird feeders to help support the local environment .

  • Resources
    Pupils are fortunate to benefit from a selection of hardware including a well-resourced cooking cupboard and many items for making in the design and technology cupboard.
    Thoughtful Questioning
    Questions woven through the planning for the units of work allow pupils to think deeply and logically about their work at hand. Pupils working towards the learning expectation are supported through careful questioning and peer support.
    Wider Opportunities
    Cook and Eat Club for Year 2, run by school staff.
    After participating  in an After School   Lego  club, pupils take part in a local STEM Lego Challenges along with other schools in the  area.

  • Impact
    By the end of the key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the subject of computing programme of study.

    Talking to pupils throughout the year groups show pupils enjoy the units of work. They take pride in problem solving to ensure their product meets their pre-determined success criteria.
    When asked, pupils can explain how they made their product and how they solved any problems. Pupils can evaluate their product against their success criteria.
    Pupils understand where their knowledge fits into the outside world and why it is important to learn about design technologies.
    Pupils are able to articulate themselves using acquired vocabulary from the design and technology unit modules.
    Pupils are able to apply their skills to solve new problems and explain how and why they solved them. Pupils are confident at explaining their work to people and their work is at an expected or greater standard.
    Pupils have developed their ideas beyond the expected example for the end of unit product. Pupils are confident in explaining their thoughts and feelings about their work and are reflective about their working process.

Schemes of Work
Year 1 and 2
Year 1 and 2 B

Year 3 and 4 A

Year 3 and 4 B
Year 5 and 6 A
Year 5 and 6 B

Newlands made some Viking long boats

Springfield made some periscopes when they were learning about World War 2

‘Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all of their lives.’ Proverbs 22:6

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a secure, happy learning community based upon Christian Values in which each child is encouraged to reach their full potential.

We aim to support the children's developing skills as learners by:

  • Providing a secure foundation upon which individuals can grow into independent, challenged learners.
  • Stimulating active learning experiences,that develop children's awareness of themselves as learners.
  • Valuing every child irrespectve of gender, disability,age, race or culture and ensure that they have an active voice in school and know that their opinions matter.
  • Supporting children in succeeding in their learning and finding opportunities to celebrate their success.
  • Developing skills of independence, co-operation and self- motivation.
  • Contributing to the wider community, both locally and globally.  


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