Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of Science
At Church Walk C.E. Primary School, our science provision aims to immerse our children in the knowledge and skills they require to be scientists of the future. It is our intention to encourage and enable children to ask questions about the world around them, as well as to develop the skills and confidence necessary in how to go about finding answers to these questions. The science curriculum is designed so that knowledge and skills are progressive and transferrable to other curriculum areas. Cross-curricular links are continually developed, including reading books (fiction, poetry and biographies of inspiring scientists).
The teaching of skills
Pupils will be taught how to use a range of science equipment and technology confidently and accurately. They will develop a range of working scientifically skills including questioning; making observations; planning and performing tests; recording and presenting results, and examining evidence to make and justify scientific conclusions. The skills the pupils learn are transferable and will support their learning in other subjects, thereby deepening their understanding of the world around them.
The application of skills
Throughout their time at Church Walk, pupils will be given regular opportunities to practise and apply their working scientifically skills. They will experience a range of different enquiry types: observing changes over time; grouping and classifying; noticing patterns; fair and comparative tests and researching of secondary sources. Cross-curricular links will allow skills to be transferrable and consolidated between curriculum subjects. They will also have the opportunity to apply their growing knowledge of scientific vocabulary through practical, collaborative, presentation and written tasks.
Pupils will understand and use a range of appropriate scientific vocabulary to discuss, communicate and justify their ideas. They will also understand the vocabulary relevant to the scientific method and associated with working scientifically.
Curriculum Approach
Pupils engage with science and are supported and stretched through the science topics which build upon prior knowledge and working scientifically skills. The science curriculum for EYFS is planned for children to explore through first hand experiences. Activities and equipment are available in continuous provision as well as teacher led tasks, so that individuals can use what they have learned and apply it in different ways. When learning about light, children can go into the dark tent to explore various objects and when looking at eggs, the children often have tadpoles or a class incubator to watch the eggs hatch and see how the chicks develop.
Year 1 and 2 explore seasonal changes by going for walks in the local area. They also learn about their different senses and conduct various investigations to enhance their understanding of taste and touch etc. Year 3 and 4 study rocks and link it with the work of Mary Anning. When learning about volcanoes, they make models of them and watch them erupt. They also enjoying learning about digestion and construct a digestive system to investigate how food travels through it. Year 5 and 6 study Earth and Space and link it with work on the Space Race and the 1960’s. As science is closely linked to other curriculum areas. it helps children to put their learning in context as they progress through school. Children apply their learning in electricity when adding lights to their Victorian houses in DT
Planning is carefully differentiated to enable SEND children to access the science curriculum whilst also enabling opportunities for pupils working at greater depth to broaden and apply their knowledge, skills and scientific vocabulary.
External Stimuli
Pupils are taught about how the world has influenced scientists throughout history, including Mary Anning, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking amongst others.
Where possible, teaching is made relevant to children’s everyday experiences and pupils are encouraged to question the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world around them.
At the heart of science lessons, are collaborative practical tasks that require respect and co-operation for shared decision making amongst pupils.
Through discussing past and present scientists and their discoveries, children gain an understanding of the role and impact science and innovation have in society. In addition, this enables children to learn about other times and cultures, and the imagination, creativity, self-belief and perseverance necessary for these inspiring scientists to succeed.
Some science topics require pupils to appreciate different viewpoints e.g. the theory of Evolution. This links with R.E and raises lots of discussion about Science and Religion.
Children are also encouraged to develop the working scientifically skill of using evidence to support or refute their ideas and learn to offer reasoned points of view.
Some science topics lend themselves to the exploration of wider moral and social implications on the world e.g. the positive and negative impacts of humans on habitats and the environment. This links closely with Year 3 and 4 work about Brazil and the rain forest.
Throughout Church Walk (Animals including humans topics) children learn about the importance of making the right choices with regards to a healthy lifestyle, including diet, linked to exercise and drug safety; e.g. Year 3 and 4 look at Greeks and the Mediterranean diet.
In science, children are encouraged to ask questions and this can lead to discussions around “big” questions of a more philosophical and spiritual nature. E.g. How did life on Earth begin? Where did the first drop of water in the water cycle come from?
Pupils have access to a wide variety of practical science resources including digital tools such as data loggers to support learning. Children are taught to name and use a range of scientific equipment correctly, so that they may select equipment appropriate to its purpose. Opportunities are given for children to practise using these pieces of equipment to develop competency and precision. As they progress through school, children are supported to use science resources with increasing independence, accuracy and critical judgement.
Year 6 visit a science museum Space Port in Liverpool as part of their residential trip.
Thoughtful Questioning
Questioning is a fundamental aspect of science; it is integral to all types of science enquiry and is developed through every science topic. Pupils often ask questions at the beginning of a science topic to focus their learning as they progress through the unit. In lessons, some questions may be closed, requiring a specific answer based on scientific knowledge. More often, questions are child-centred and open, allowing for i) a range of answers from children of all abilities and life experiences and ii) science investigations. Children are encouraged to understand that some questions may have more than one answer, which may be neither right nor wrong, and to consider what evidence is needed to support or refute an idea.
Sharing work
Pupils‟ science work is recorded in science books, as written work or photographs and is shared between pupils and staff. In class, children also share their learning in a variety of ways: discussion, presentations (including PowerPoint and word processing), drawings and posters, information booklets; dance and drama. Year 5 share work at UVHS when they take part in a science project with other local primary schools.
There are frequent opportunities to celebrate children’s science work and show the process of their learning via display boards in school. Occasionally, science work is shown in assemblies alongside other curriculum subjects. Science Expos are held at the end of Science weeks, when children invite their families into school, to see the work and investigations that they have carried out.
Local Context
Our science curriculum involves the local area and local people to support the learning of the National Curriculum. Staff from Siemens and Glaxo work with each class during Science Week.
STEM Ambassadors develop the children’s knowledge during Science Week in all year groups. Year 1 and 2 make seasonal visits to Little Hoad to observe the changes.
Year 3 and 4 have written to town councillors to explore recycling options in the local area; this led to the installation of recycling bins in the town centre.
Science Long term Plan 2021 - 2022
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the knowledge, skills and processes specified in the science programme of study
Children tell us that they enjoy science and investigations.
”Science is my favourite subject.” – Year 5
Pupils understand how their science knowledge is relevant in the outside world and why it is important to learn about science. Pupils can demonstrate and apply their science knowledge. They are able to articulate both orally and in writing, clear explanations, reasoned opinions and researched information using acquired vocabulary from science lessons.
Within the science curriculum, there are opportunities for all children to demonstrate their working scientifically skills, orally and in writing as well as during more practical and investigative tasks. Pupils are able to apply their working scientifically skills to plan and perform different types of enquiry to answer a question. They are able to present their findings in a variety of ways e.g. results tables, scientific diagrams, graphs. Pupils can examine their findings and explain how and why they have reached their conclusions.
Much opportunity is given for children to develop a deeper understanding, level of skill and appreciation of science. Pupils have developed their scientific ideas to and beyond the expected standard by the end of a science topic. Challenges are available to extend scientific skills within the classroom. Some children can use their skills and knowledge in other curriculum areas and to make links to other topics. Through reflecting on the subject, children are able to self-identify what skills they would like to improve and develop. Visits and visitors create further opportunities to consolidate and enrich scientific understanding. A dedicated whole school Science Week is an ideal opportunity for science to be shared
Year 6 at the Science Museum Exploring minibeasts.
Newlands wanted to find out how far a toy car would travel on different surfaces.
Science Week March 2021
Children in Birkrigg investigated change of state. They discovered how melting wax crayons could change the way that they could use them as it turned them into a liquid that they could paint with. They then turned back into a solid.
They also explored crunchy architecture that you can eat. The children made buildings out of different cereals and biscuits.
Children in Hoad went outside to look for Signs of Spring.
Hoad investigated materials to make a salt- free, wildlife friendly dough. They observed changes in the dough then used it as a base for faces with materials they collected as part of Forest Schools work.
Science Week in Newlands Investigating Evaporation
Science Week in Springfield.
During Science Week we investigated natural pigments, designed our own robo-bugs and modelled evolution. We have learned about decimals (Y5), ratio (Y6) and played maths games on the field.
‘Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all of their lives.’ Proverbs 22:6
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a secure, happy learning community based upon Christian Values in which each child is encouraged to reach their full potential.
We aim to support the children's developing skills as learners by:
- Providing a secure foundation upon which individuals can grow into independent, challenged learners.
- Stimulating active learning experiences,that develop children's awareness of themselves as learners.
- Valuing every child irrespectve of gender, disability,age, race or culture and ensure that they have an active voice in school and know that their opinions matter.
- Supporting children in succeeding in their learning and finding opportunities to celebrate their success.
- Developing skills of independence, co-operation and self- motivation.
- Contributing to the wider community, both locally and globally.
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