Please click on the heading to download the appropriate policy. If you would prefer you can contact school for a paper copy of any of these policies.
Admissions - Supplementary Form
Attendance Policy 2024
Whole School Behaviour Policy
Addendum to Behaviour Policy June 2020
Suspension and Exclusion Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child Protection Policy
Complaints process (against the curriculum)
Curriculum Policy
Data Protection policy
Overarching Safeguarding Statement
Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation
Relationships, Health and Sex Education Policy
School Uniform Policy
Spiritual Development Statement
Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles
Traffic Light System
Teaching and Learning Policy
Remote Learning Policy
Covid Catch Up Premium
‘Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all of their lives.’ Proverbs 22:6
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a secure, happy learning community based upon Christian Values in which each child is encouraged to reach their full potential.
We aim to support the children's developing skills as learners by:
- Providing a secure foundation upon which individuals can grow into independent, challenged learners.
- Stimulating active learning experiences,that develop children's awareness of themselves as learners.
- Valuing every child irrespectve of gender, disability,age, race or culture and ensure that they have an active voice in school and know that their opinions matter.
- Supporting children in succeeding in their learning and finding opportunities to celebrate their success.
- Developing skills of independence, co-operation and self- motivation.
- Contributing to the wider community, both locally and globally.
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