
Curriculum Statement for the teaching and learning of Mathematics
At Church Walk C.E. Primary School, our Mathematics provision aims to equip our children with a uniquely powerful set of tools which include logical reasoning, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways, in a broad range of contexts. Children need to explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about their developing understanding and then apply it in open ended situations
They must have opportunities to practise and extend their skills in these areas and to gain confidence and competence in these areas.
In teaching Mathematics, we aim to:

  • Ensure that children develop a positive, enthusiastic attitude towards the subject.
  • Support children in using their skills with confidence, understanding and pleasure.
  • Provide a stimulating environment and effective resources so that children can develop their Mathematical skills and understanding to their full potential.
    Mathematics teaching reflects the school’s Learning and Teaching policy.  The following processes are particularly effective in developing pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding in Mathematics:
  • Investigation
  • Talking and discussion
  • Asking questions
  • Practical activities
  • Interpreting data
  • Visualising
  • Repetition
  • Problem solving
  • Exploration
  • Working together
  • Practise in different situations
    In Foundation Stage, Key Stages 1 and 2, lessons are planned using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance and the National Curriculum 2014 and the White Rose Maths scheme of work.
    Children are introduced to the processes of calculation through concrete, pictorial and abstract models and activities. Children’s understanding of calculations is deepened through the use of conceptual variations so that they can apply their skills to a range of reasoning and problems solving situations. As children begin to understand the underlying ideas, they develop ways of recording to support their thinking and calculation methods. They use particular methods that apply to special cases, and learn to interpret the signs and symbols involved.  (See Calculations Policy) There is a considerable emphasis on teaching mental calculation strategies and number facts. We do this through using a combination of whole class games, activities, TTRockstars, singing, use of explorative materials and arithmetic sessions. Informal written recording takes place regularly and is an important part of learning and understanding. More formal written methods follow only when the child is able to use a wide range of mental calculation strategies. As a child’s mental methods are strengthened and refined, so too are their informal written methods. Some recording takes the form of jottings, which are used to support children’s thinking. This may be done on scrap paper or whiteboards and is not always retained, as is for the child’s own personal use. Mathematical concepts are regularly reviewed and reinforced, using ‘Flashback 4’ and end of unit reviews.
    External Resources & Cross Curricular Links:
    Pupils are given frequent opportunities to make links to the wider world and use Mathematics in real contexts, developing their skills across the curriculum. It is important that children’s mathematical skills are developed across the curriculum, when appropriate. Opportunities are planned in other subject areas to encourage the use of mathematics in real contexts, for example: in year 5/6 when using spreadsheets in computing, drawing and analysing graphs in Science and measuring accurately in DT, when making mobile phone cases; in year 3/4 when learning about Roman numerals, as part of their Roman history topic, when measuring river speed in geography; in Year 1/2  when creating tally charts about our favourite traditional tales and taste investigations in science, when weighing to make rainbow healthy eating pizzas (DT and science); and in Reception when using directional language in geography and PE.
    In addition, maths investigations are regularly planned, using resources from NRich and elsewhere, to develop a systematic approach to problem solving.
    We have close links with our local secondary school and Year 5 pupils are invited to take part in a maths club and a science fair, where they get the opportunity to apply many of their mathematical skills to scientific contexts.
    We also regularly attend the local STEM fair and have STEM ambassadors into school.
    Our Maths curriculum aims to develops the pupil’s knowledge of the local community and the wider world, through offering cross-curricular and practical uses of maths. For example, Year 6 pupils use the Oxfam resource, Everyone Counts to develop their understanding of statistics through comparing young lives around the world. In addition, children take part in practical measuring, weighing and capacity activities as part of our Fairtrade work, which is extended to ratio and scaling up for older pupils. Much of our SMSC reacts and links to current world events and the UN Sustainability Goals which offer many opportunities for real-life contexts, in which to use and develop the pupils’ mathematical skills and understanding.
    We follow the White Rose Maths Scheme of Work and use a range of resources to bring it alive and develop the children’s understanding. Manipulatives we use include: place value counters, dienes, multi-link cubes, Cuisenaire rods, Numicon and natural materials. We make use of online resources such as TTRockstars, Nrich, Purple Mash and Eedi. Cross curricular resources we use include: data loggers, thermometers, weighing scales, other equipment with scales and Beebots. We also make use of our outside area, using sand and water trays, the large grid on the playground and the field for practical maths experiences. In the summer term, Year 6 pupils use our outside areas to plan, prepare and run maths trails for our younger pupils.
    Sharing Work:
    Pupils’ work in Mathematics is recorded in Maths books and is shared between pupils and staff. Occasionally, maths work is shown in assemblies alongside other curricular subjects. Learning can be responsibly shared online with parents, by using Tapestry, Microsoft Teams and Purple Mash platforms.
    By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the subject of geography programme of study. Formative assessment is an everyday activity and is used to inform planning. Teachers record their assessments in an on-going way and make use of observations, arithmetic tests and end of unit reviews. Summative assessments are made termly and recorded on Scholarpack.
    Summative assessment is through:
  • End of term assessments.
  • Foundation profile at the end of Reception.
  • SATS in Year 2
  • SATS in Year 6

Pupil Voice:
Year 1:
‘I like the One More Than game.’
‘I like learning number names.’
Year 2:
‘It’s fun!’
‘It is fun because you get to learn new things.’
‘It’s interesting.’
Year 3:
‘I really like doing it because it’s lots of fun working it out.’
‘I love maths but sometimes I do get frustrated. When I work it out, I’m happy.’
‘If I’m stuck on a question, I sometimes have to think about it a lot then it clicks and I understand it.’
Year 4:
‘I liked doing roman numerals.’
‘Even though I sometimes find it hard, I quite like maths.’
Year 5:
‘Maths is fun!’
‘I like multi-step problems.’
‘I like it because the different activities we do are fun.’
Year 6:
‘It’s just the right amount of challenge.’
‘I like solving problems and puzzles- it's fun!’
Knowledge and skills:
Pupils understand where their knowledge fits into the outside world and why it is important to develop their mathematical knowledge and skills.
Pupils are able to articulate themselves using acquired vocabulary from the maths units of work. Pupils are provided with opportunities to discuss their knowledge verbally as well as explaining what they know in written forms too.
Pupils are able to apply their skills to investigate new mathematical questions and explain how and why they have reached a solution. Pupils are confident at explaining their work to people and their work is at an expected or greater standard. Within the Mathematics curriculum, there are opportunities for all to demonstrate their skills, including through written evidence, as well as more practical and investigative tasks and games.
Pupils have developed their ideas to and beyond the expected standard for the end of unit expectations. Pupils are confident in explaining their thoughts and feelings about their work and are reflective about their working process. Some children are then able to use their skills and knowledge and make links across other topics and other curriculum areas. Through reflecting on the subject, children are then able to self-identify what skills they would then like to improve and develop.

Introduction to the Calculations Policy

Calculations Policy

Calculations Policy Guidance

Our new playground markings help with maths too. 


‘Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all of their lives.’ Proverbs 22:6

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a secure, happy learning community based upon Christian Values in which each child is encouraged to reach their full potential.

We aim to support the children's developing skills as learners by:

  • Providing a secure foundation upon which individuals can grow into independent, challenged learners.
  • Stimulating active learning experiences,that develop children's awareness of themselves as learners.
  • Valuing every child irrespectve of gender, disability,age, race or culture and ensure that they have an active voice in school and know that their opinions matter.
  • Supporting children in succeeding in their learning and finding opportunities to celebrate their success.
  • Developing skills of independence, co-operation and self- motivation.
  • Contributing to the wider community, both locally and globally.  


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