Springfield Class
Curriculum Overview Spring 1Curriculum Overview Autumn 2
Curriculum Overview Autumn 1
Springfield Long Term Plan Cycle A and B
Welcome to Springfield. This is the Year 5 and 6 class.
The teacher is Mr S Cross
The teaching assistant is Mrs B Lewis
The support assistants are Mr R Gee and Miss L Field
Springfield have been creating art work that reflect their personality.
Springfield made rooms for a Victorian house as part of their History and Technology work.
As part of their science work , the children made periscopes
Since we have returned to school, we have enjoyed spending lots of time learning outside and being active, to support our wellbeing and develop group work skills. In literacy, we have enjoyed running a debate and writing newspaper reports about mysterious alien sightings on the field. We have been creative, making Easter cards and artwork, building shadufs (inspired by the Ancient Egyptians) and making Easter gardens. During Science Week we investigated natural pigments, designed our own robo-bugs and modelled evolution. We have learned about decimals (Y5), ratio (Y6) and played maths games on the field.
‘Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all of their lives.’ Proverbs 22:6
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a secure, happy learning community based upon Christian Values in which each child is encouraged to reach their full potential.
We aim to support the children's developing skills as learners by:
- Providing a secure foundation upon which individuals can grow into independent, challenged learners.
- Stimulating active learning experiences,that develop children's awareness of themselves as learners.
- Valuing every child irrespectve of gender, disability,age, race or culture and ensure that they have an active voice in school and know that their opinions matter.
- Supporting children in succeeding in their learning and finding opportunities to celebrate their success.
- Developing skills of independence, co-operation and self- motivation.
- Contributing to the wider community, both locally and globally.
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